Bird on the stone

Fugang Geopark (Little Yehliu), TaiTung, Taiwan


  • Knowledge
  • Motivation
  • Nature
  • Photography
  • Travel

Sunday, July 14, 2019

Letting go is the hardest thing to do

Case: 69 years old lady suffering from breast cancer, with lung and liver metastasis. Her consciousness deteriorated at the end of my on call. She showed signs of gasping, indicating that the end of life is closing in. The 80+ years old mother was in distress, seeing the unaroused daughter. She tried so hard: shook her, called her, pleaded us to do something, all in hope...

Friday, July 12, 2019

Remain hopeful

Case: An elderly with liver cirrhosis and occasional coughing was admitted to manage hepatic encephalopathy. She had an episode of vomiting & choking which led to aspiration pneumonia. Hypotension and desaturation ensued. While she is in DNR status, we tried our best to resuscitate her with fluids, performed sputum suction, provided oxygen therapy and started her on antibiotics....

Thursday, July 11, 2019

Giving just enough

No matter how knowledgeable a person may be, there is a need to gauge how well the message is received by the other party. Stuff too much, and the recipient suffers from information overload. Stuff too little, and the recipient enters into boredom. It comes to a point, the communicator needs constantly check on how well the other person is receiving the message. When...

Sunday, January 28, 2018

A role to play

A cook, cleaner, nurse, doctor, artist, teacher, mechanic, technician, and many other unlisted professions. They have one thing in common: A role to play in this society. Everyone is deem important in ensuring this society functions well, and everyone deserves the respect they can get. I am often humbled and inspired by the people I meet. Thank you for reminding me that...

Wednesday, March 29, 2017

The unsung heroes

I am not possible if not for the unsung heroes that appeared during my life’s journey. They gave me guidance, inspired me to do better, and made me a better man. Thank you for being there. I shall repay that debt by paying it forward, inspiring others t...

Tuesday, April 12, 2016


Enough with the self-doubts. “Believe in yourself!” that’s what they said. One’s potential can only be unleashed when you believe in yourself. Since life is so unfair, why make succumb to it when all you have to do is believe that you’ll be successful too? Believe in your strengths, make them shine. Learn your weaknesses, work on them. You’ll be there someday. Story...

Tuesday, April 5, 2016

Ah… Finally…

I’m finally back after having so much struggles with Windows Live Writer. I must admit, the Open Live Writer developer team did a wonderful job with the open software, and I am now able to get back on track and start blogging again! By the way, here’s something cool from Nik Filters. Users used to have to pay for the filters, but the company was recently acquired by Google....

Thursday, October 8, 2015

Do no harm

I gave all I could to the patient, obtained information about him to keep him safe, made sure that he is getting the right medical attention and needs. And I certainly see him not merely as a patient, but my mentor, guiding me through my medical training. I benefited a dear lot because of him. Although our doctor-patient relationship did not end the way it should and was...

Saturday, October 3, 2015

Love for machines

The love for these beasts is undeniable, and this father brought his children along to see all motorcycles. Look how the rider and the father connects, while the curious children continue to look in awe. I spent a little time around the Biketopia event, fascinated by how these people customize their motorcycles. Though I’m not a big fan of Harley Davidson, some of the...

Tuesday, September 22, 2015

A look back

Pause and look back on the things you have done in the past as you move forward into the future. You shall notice that while there is still a long way to you, you have come a long way too! It may just be the second week of my clerkship rotation at the cardiovascular surgery department, yet I have learnt so much throughout the days. I have seen many great surgical operations,...